November 27, 2011

What's special with November?

A few reason why I feel so blessed and happy this month. <3

Meet Akiko ^_^ advance christmas gift from my parents. She's a female Shih Tzu Dog.

My dream come true frustration this year. Finally! I've got my Nikon D7000 DSLR Kit.

November 26, 2011

Thanks to Photobucket Support!

 I want to give back the help they gave me in retrieving my account. It was surely a great help and I truly appreciate their effort and the fact that they really do reply. :)

Last week I had trouble logging in on my Photobucket account. I tried to retrieve my password using their "forget your password" by putting my username or my email address.  But when I tried the email address an error pop out stating that my email address was not recognized. As soon as I saw this pop out message, I contacted the Photobucket Support via Email.  I thought I wouldn't get any reply from their support, but after a few days I got a reply message from them, helping me on how I can get back my account.

After a week of exchanging Email, today when I opened my mail, I was so happy to received their email saying that I can finally log in.

I genuinely  Thank You. :)

October 12, 2011

A Little of Sipalay (Negros Occidental)

To know more about Siplay City here's a link of their official website:

Going to Sipalay we had a 5 hrs. of road trip on Ceres Bus Liner. :) I only had a day to enjoy the place so I had very limited time and activities that have done.

La Isla Bonita

Mantangan Cave

The Beach :)

Subic Adventure (March 19, 2011)

Last March I had a Pre-summer vacation with my two office mates/friends at Subic. :)It was my very first time to travel outside our  City with just friends. We had a 3 days vacation.
We arrived at Pasay at around 7 pm and we took the Victory Liner Bus for transportation going to Olonggapo. It was a 5 hrs. of road trip. We arrived at the place around 12 am, we stayed at an Inn overnight. We were like back packers, coz we carried our things all through out our trip. hihi^^.

The trip was so refreshing, relaxing, tiring, funny, exciting, happy, all mixed emotions. But it was worth the trip especially if your an animal lover. :D

I suggest you make reservations before going to Subic, or if your in a budget, find an Inn at Olonggapo. Olonggapo is near Subic Bay, it might look far at the map but really its very near, just a one jeepney ride. And warning: Do not ride a jeepney with a sign of Subic Zambales, never.. or else you'll experience what we have experienced..haha^^ good thing we realized it was not the right road, so we went back to Olonggapo and ride the correct Jeepney going to Subic Bay.

The means of transportation going to Ocean park, Zoobic and any park at Subic Bay is Taxi. You can see the taxi rates when you arrived at the gate going to Subic Bay.

Subic Bay

We were able go to Ocean Park Adventure and Zoobic Safari since we only had a day to enjoy the trip. There are more places to go, but that's the time we have, better luck next time. So when you arrange a trip going to  Subic, maybe a 3 days stay is enough to try and visit all the places there.

Here's some of our Pictures:

Ocean Park Adventure:

I'm so lucky I got picked :)


Before: In the Morning...
Relax and Enjoying
After: Evening...
So tired..but worth it...

I hope these sites can help:

October 9, 2011

Bohol Day Tour

 I was able to find a tour package online from this site:, inclusion of pick-up and drop off to Tagbilaran Port, Entrance Fees and air-conditioned  transportation, But I suggest for easier and cheaper transaction contact our tour guide/driver Manong Junel, here's his cellphone number: +639099428641. I assure you, his very accommodating, nice and honest.

Tagbilaran Port
Going to Bohol from Cebu: Ride a fast ferry boat, Ocean Jet or Supercat. We took the 2nd trip of Supercat Ferry boat (8:00 AM) Business Class Round Trip Ticket Cost Php 1,200.00.

Our Bohol Day Tour Itinerary:

First Stop: Blood Compact Site

Blood and Compact Site
Second Stop: Baclayon Church
Baclayon Church
Third Stop: Loboc River Cruise with Lunch (floating restaurant)
Loboc River

 Side Trip:  Aeta Village
Thrid Stop: Chocolate Hills
The Chocolate Hills
Fourth Stop: Tarsier Sanctuary
Tarsier in Capativity

Side Trip: Ship House
Ship Haus
Fifth Stop: Butterfly Garden
Butterfly Garden

Sixth Stop: Man Made Forest

Seventh Stop: Largest Python in Captivity


Dessert Treat @ Carlo Ristorante Italiano

 I was invited  together with my other office mates for a dessert treat from Miss Rhon. She picked the restaurant herself, for she wanted to look at the place and try their food too.

Carlo Restorante Italiano has been on business ever since I could remember. I have heard about the place from my father a couple of times and he even brought some delicious pizza from the place.

It has a cozy ambiance and   impressive food offerings. But we only tried their dessert, it's called "Cassata", It was served iced chilled and according to the waitress best taste with wine. I let her pour a little bit of wine only, but I think the taste was not good, because when you taste it, the twist of wine doesn't go with the taste of cassata for my taste.
Some view of Carlo Ristirante Italiano


Located at Golden Feild Commercial Complex, Bacolod City, Philippines

September 25, 2011

Afrique's Gourmet Pizza, Pasta, Steaks and more..

 Iloilo City is the hometown of my Father, so when we went there my cousin suggested this restaurant to us. . They have many branch in the City and  we visit  their branch at Smallville, Iloilo City.

The place was crowded by mostly family and groups of people. But we manage to get a table, courtesy of the Owner, yes, you heard it right, we were so lucky at that time that the owner was there and he offered us the table beside some two guys,then after he introduced them as his nephew's..haha^^ it would have been awkward to eat beside the two guys and of course the Owner talking to his nephew's. Good God, the waiter was able to transfer us to a table on the 2nd floor of the building.

We ordered their Special Pizza, Pasta's with white and tomato sauce, a salad and a pitcher of lemonade. The food experience was so so great, I had a full stomach after we ate all of it. I really liked their Specail Pizza and the Salad, I'm not that a pasta person, but the taste was so delicious, You shouldn't miss dthis place when going to Iloilo City. Two thumbs up! for the good place and good food, plus good service. :)

Here's a link from there website, check it out and be delighted with there menu. 

September 23, 2011

I just realized...

For these past 3 months we've looking for a set of very important documents in the office, and we couldn't find it. The last time I could remember was I handed down that set of documents to q certain person.  To my desperation, I looked for a.. in our dialect term "manghuhula" it's an all in one "manghuhulala". So I posted on facebook whoever knows someone like this. and I was lucky a friend of mine suggested this person withing our city. I went there with my two office mates.

They said the place was creepy and that she looked really like a "manghuhula". So we talked to her and I told her my intention of going their, after that she asked me who was my suspect. She let me wrote down the name of the person and she went near to her altar, she took out a stone and started to touch the stone and speaking some words we couldn't hear or understand. After that she told me the person hasn't return the documents to me and that she will hep the person remember where was the documents, she then told me to come back after 2 days.  My friend said she was a good "manghuhula" , because she said at first she wouldn't believe it, but the  "manghuhula" predicted something about her mother that cam true, that's why she believed in her and recommended it to me. She was not just looking for lost things, she can also pray for you if you have exams or pray for your safety when you go anywhere. Sh can also help you about your love life problems, like if you have problems with your boyfriend and you wanted him just to be yours. We saw some bottles with pictures inside and some papers and eggs on her place. 

I waited for  2 days, but the person hasn't return anything from me. So after 2 days we went back to her, but she told us to wait until that person will return the documents to me.  Then we went home. While I was on my way home, I was supposed to stop on a place near where the jeepney going home passes by. But the driver didn't hear me, and stopped near the Cathedral Church, and went out of the jeepney at that place. Then I found my self walking inside the Church and I lit 3 candles and prayed. I prayed deeply and with all my heart and  I asked forgiveness. After that I went to SM, stroll around the mall and went back home.

After these events, I've realized that there are really some desperate people who wanted assurance and security with regards to their loved ones and future. But I think that's unfair, lets say about love life, you cannot control a person's heart,the person must choose to love you freely not because of some magical reasons that you have chose. It's selfishness.

I also realized, that have I lost my mind? why did I asked her help when I can just call GOD to help me? I have been so unfair to GOD, have I done something that's against the commandment of GOD? I feel so gulity and I feel in between, for I have believe that the person can help me find what I was looking for. I guess she was an instrument to help me realize that I should believe only one GOD and that I should seek his help and trust in his will . I'm so sorry my Savior and GOD.

September 20, 2011

No Other Women

I saw the trailer on TV again.. and it excites me more! haha^^

My office mate posted on facebook about this movie, and kept talking about it the next day. I was able to watch the trailer after.. I guess... 3 days? (not sure). And I really love it! the story is great!

Aside that the actors and actress on this movie are one of my favorites in the industry the director is also a veteran. I'm sure it will hit to the max. *wink wink

I just noticed, now a days, The Philippine Movie Industry have really improved. Especially the story line of the movies and of course the  script. I'm sure the movie will have so many good lines that we will remember, not to mention how many times my officemate have used the line of Carme Martin: "Ang mundo ay isang malaking quiapo.."

I look forward in seeing this movie the soonest! I can' wait~

Such a Rotten Apple..(office world)

It's the first day of the week and yet, my day was not okay. Well, not totallybad, maybe  it's just a bad day for science. *wink wink

I don't get it why I always got blamed on mistakes or error's committed by other's. As I could remember, I was hired  to be an encoder, but I was surprised I have to do the all around secretarial work slash shock "absorber".  haha^^. 

It all started with the arrogant registrant who waned me to finish her annotation fast. So she went to my boss and complained. Sometimes the problem with customer's is that they tend to take advantage of their position, because they know no matter what, they will always be the one's to be pleased and since my job is service to the Filipino, I have no choice but to do what I was asked to do. The title can't be found inside the vault and it came out of the records that it was still from the last person who made an annotation to the title. And there I was,  calm and trying to keep my temper low as much as I could, I told her if she can give me the title, but unfortunately, it was not a surprise.... coz I knew exactly the words she will about to speak. To my disappointment I have to wait.... 3 days have passed and yet that person hasn't handed over the title to me, so my boss... like a thunder bolt, furious.. to me.... and I don't like it.. so I went back to her and there she was, just sitting on her chair and looking mad at me.. i was thinking like "duh, the nerve! how dare you look at me as if you didn't know!" and she acted just like what i was thinking! grrrrrrrr! so now it's my fault again! I don't want to dig the dirt out of her, coz it'll take me a day to put everything into words... so just...I'm angry about her!.. How can she be like that all time... and because our boss already gave his warning shot, the person who has the title looked over her files and found the title. Taran! she did it in just less than  5 minutes! what the hell! 5 minutes??? I've waited for 3 days,,, and just because our boss was angry you were able to find it in less than 5 sminutes??? the witch! >:| could you just imagine how I loove my job... phew!

To asses everything... there are two types of people I have encountered in a span of  days. I shall call the first person "The Registrant" and the second person will be the " The Personnel".

For the The Registrant, I just think that it would be nice, if sometimes you give considerations to the employees or shall I say worker to be able to finish your transactions. It seems like you wanted it to be super fast. Well, Ma'am I am not a robot, I am nothing but a human being, I cannot control unnecessary situations that may occur on the process of your transactions, and the cause of delay was not on mu part. I hope that next time you can extend your patience and here out my reason, for my intentions are just but to finish your transaction as fast and correct as I can do it. 

~People sometimes forgot to put there feet on the shoes of the person they judge. I think it's nicer to think first before you immediately conclude. And the problem with us, is that we tend to be little other's... especially if we knew we are higher than them.  It always happenes in my everyday life at work, and it's not healthy on my part, it STRESSFUL! come'on! we were created by one GOD, let us remember we are all the same in his eyes. 

For the The Personnel, let us do our job, we were paid to do and finish our job, not to make gossips and talk about other peoples lives. It's not nice to those stuff's in the office and let us acknowledge mistakes. Don't pretend like you don't know, when you actually know what was it really about. It's so unfair that you are able to do freely the things that you are not supposed to do. Remember, you are older than me, and you should be an example. Is this what it's all about? just because your old your already exempted to do the job? that's a ridiculous mind set! It always happens every time! and I kept on reminding you, but still..  the same.. you have to help yourself to learn.. not to show them how rich and wealthy your life is... it's not about gossip and fame.. it's about work that you've accomplished.. .

~ There are really people, who are insensitive and boastful. Sad to say, that mostly these are people who came from rags to riches. Let us remember where we came from, look back on what we have before, not talk about what you have now and pretend like you've never been down before. Let us remember our priorities at work and finish everything on time (if we could). Why do we have to talk about other people's lives? don't we have a life of our own? what do we get from it? they ain't celebrities so stop talking about them, your only showing off how insecure are you. It's irritating to hear gossip everyday. Why don't we talk about good news and healthy stuff's. argh! 

September 11, 2011

Lord Byron's Back Ribs (Aug. 24, 2011)

You have to make a reservation to be sure you'll have a seat and table when you get there. Lord Byron is very famous especially to Korean's, so don't be surprised if you  will see their customers as mostly Korean's.

Famous Back Ribs
The Back Ribs cost Php 150.00 only.  They  cook them fresh and served hot on the plate.  Aside from back ribs they also have some other menu. But the most popular is this one. It's so flavorful and mouthwatering.  The place is a nice-homey "Kubo" and its relaxing.

 Again, a must try when visiting Bacolod City.

Lord Byron's
Blk. 8, Lot 7, PHHC Subd. (Homesite)
at the back of the tennis court, Bacolod City Philippines
Tel. No. 

September 10, 2011

Chicken Deli (Aug. 23, 2011)

When a friend of mine came back in Bacolod, after Chicken House he wished to visit Chicken Deli. It's one of the restaurants we used to hang-out before if we don't want to eat a lot.
The place is very easy to find, it's near Capitol Lagoon Park at 8th St., along Lacson St., It has a nice and casual atmosphere. You can choose to wether you want to stay in an airconditioned area or just the casual one with ceiling fans. But we like to stay at the corner, it's were hidden on the side
Usually my friend will just order his favorite San Mig Light and me my favorite Mango Shake. They served the best Mango Shake here. Then we will share the pork bbq, chicken inasal and our favoirte Baticolon (gizzard) a part of chicken.

This place is memeorable for us, we got to share not just the good foods and drinks, But also good memories of happiness and fun. :)