November 26, 2011

Thanks to Photobucket Support!

 I want to give back the help they gave me in retrieving my account. It was surely a great help and I truly appreciate their effort and the fact that they really do reply. :)

Last week I had trouble logging in on my Photobucket account. I tried to retrieve my password using their "forget your password" by putting my username or my email address.  But when I tried the email address an error pop out stating that my email address was not recognized. As soon as I saw this pop out message, I contacted the Photobucket Support via Email.  I thought I wouldn't get any reply from their support, but after a few days I got a reply message from them, helping me on how I can get back my account.

After a week of exchanging Email, today when I opened my mail, I was so happy to received their email saying that I can finally log in.

I genuinely  Thank You. :)

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